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Future Generali Life Insurance Company is one of the leading private insurers in India that commenced its business in the year 2007. The company is a joint venture between three prominent market players – Future Group, a leading retailer in India, Generali Group – a global insurance group and Industrial Investment Trust Limited (IITL) – a leading investment company. The company aims to provide simple and innovative insurance solutions to individual and groups. The company has a presence all over the country with 104+ branches and a customer base of over 13.8 lakhs. The company has received many accolades for its consistent contribution to the Indian insurance industry.

Important Facts to Know about Future Generali Life Insurance Company

Following are some of the notable facts about the company –

  • The company has been awarded as ‘Life Insurance Company of the Year’ and ‘Technology Initiative of the Year’ at the Golden Star Award – 2018
  • The company has been awarded as ‘Best Company in Customer Engagement with AI’ at the AI for All Awards in 2019
  • The company has received ISO 10002:2014 certification for addressing grievances in a responsive, systematic and consistent manner
  • The company has been honoured as one of the Versatile 100 companies across India for IT innovation and business value delivery.

Benefits of Future Generali Life Insurance Plans

Future Generali Life Insurance Company offers a diverse range of life insurance products to cater to the unique needs of various customer segments. Following are the benefits of availing Future Generali Life Insurance plans –

  • Simple and innovative features:Future Generali Life Insurance plans are simple, easy to understand but innovative in nature. New-age features offered by the company satisfies the changing need of people.
  • Comprehensive protection: The life insurance plans offered by the companies provide comprehensive financial protection to the family of insured in the event of uncertainties.
  • Convenience:Future Generali Life Insurance plans can be purchased easily and conveniently through both online and offline mode. The company also offers excellent after-sale services which give hassle-free experience to the customers
  • Customisation: Plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company not only have excellent features but also come with many optional add-ons to provide the benefit of customisation to the customer as per the need.
  • Goal-oriented: There are plans offered for each and every type of medium and long-term goals of people. Be it for protection, savings, children’s education, dream vacation, retirement or simply to leave the legacy behind for next generation, there is a plan for every unique financial goal of people with Future Generali Life Insurance
  • Tax benefits: Premium paid towards Future Generali Life Insurance plans qualify for tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Lump-sum paid out in life insurance plans are also tax-exempt as per Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act. Health insurance plans premium qualify for tax deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Types of Plans Offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company

The product portfolio consists of different categories with various plans to offer in each category. Following are the product types offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company –

  • Term Plans
  • ULIP Plans
  • Health Plans
  • Savings Plans
  • Child Plans
  • Retirement Plans
  • Rural Plans
  • Group Plans
  1. Future Generali Term Plans
    Term plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance offers complete financial protection to the family of insured during uncertainties at a lower cost. Following are the various types of term plans offered by the company –
    1. Future Generali Flexi Online Term Plan
      An online term plan is a pure protection plan offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company that comes with many flexible features. The death benefit is payable to the family of insured in the event of an unfortunate death during the policy period.  

      Features of Future Generali Flexi Online Term Plan  
      • Flexibility to choose the life cover – basic life cover, fixed income protection and increasing income protection
      • Accidental disability and death benefit rider to enhance the coverage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Flexi Online Term Plan:  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry Age for Basic Life Cover Option 18 years 55 years
      Entry Age for Income Protection Option 25 years 55 years
      Maturity Age for Basic Life Cover Option 28 years 75 years
      Maturity Age for Income Protection Option 45 years 65 years
      The Policy Term for Basic Life Cover Option 10 years 65 years – entry age
      The Policy Term for Income Protection Option 10 years 75 years – entry age
      Premium paying term Same as the policy term
      Sum assured 10 times annualised premium
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/monthly
    2. Future Generali Care Plus Plan
      Future Generali Care Plus is a pure term insurance plan that offers a high amount of coverage at a lower rate of premium. With this, you can safeguard your family from loans and liabilities and give them the financial cushion during uncertainties.  

      Features of Future Generali Care Plus Plan  
      • The special premium rate for non-smokers
      • Accidental death benefit rider to enhance the coverage
      • Flexibility to choose the coverage limit – classic option and premier option
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Care Plus Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 65 years
      Maturity age 85 years
      Policy term 5 years 67 years (85 – entry age)
      Premium paying term Same as the policy term
      Sum Assured for Classic Option Up to INR 24,99,999
      Sum Assured for Premier Option INR 25,00,000 and above
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Monthly
    3. Future Generali Term with Return of Premium Plan
      The plan offers financial protection to the family of insured in the event of demise and also pays back the premium in case insured survives the policy term.   Features of Future Generali Term with Return of Premium Plan  
      • Two protection options to choose from – option A: lump sum protection and option B: income protection
      • Flexibility to choose the payout period for option B – 10/15/20 years
      • Flexibility to choose the policy term and premium payment term
      • Lower premium rates for female lives
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Term with Return of Premium Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 55 years
      Maturity age 28 years 75 years
      Policy term 10 years 35 years
      Premium paying term 10 years 15 years
      Sum Assured for Option A-Lumpsum protection INR 2,00,000 No Limit
      Sum Assured for Option B-Lumpsum protection INR 9,02,119 No Limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
    4. Future Generali POS Term with Return of Premium Plan
      The plan offers basic protection in the event of uncertainties during the policy term to the insured’s family along with the assured return of premium in case the insured survives the policy term.  

      Features of Future Generali POS Term with Return of Premium Plan  
      • Flexibility to choose the policy term and premium payment term
      • The lower premium rate for female lives
      • Assured return of premium at the end of maturity
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali POS Term with Return of Premium Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 50 years
      Maturity age 28 years 65 years
      Policy term 10 years 35 years
      Premium paying term 10 years 15 years
      Sum assured INR 2,00,000 INR 10,00,000
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
  2. Future Generali ULIP Plans
    Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) are the new age products that offer a combination of life protection and wealth maximisation through investing in the financial market. Future Generali Life Insurance Company offers a variety of ULIPs each one with different features. Following are the ULIPs offered by the company-
    1. Future Generali Big Dream Plan
      Future Generali Big Dream Plan is individual, non-participating and unit-linked insurance plan that invests your premium into various market instruments as chosen by you. Along with lump sum benefit on the demise of insured during the policy term, it helps you build a good amount of corpus over the long-run with various flexible features.  

      Features of Future Generali Big Dream Plan  
      • Lower charges (zero allocation charges and administration charges) helps to grow your wealth faster
      • You can boost your return with extra allocation on each instalment of premium
      • Life cover throughout the policy term
      • Flexibility to choose from three different investment options – wealth creation, retire smart and dream protect
      • Flexible features like switching and partial withdrawal to meet liquidity requirement
      • Accidental death and accidental total and permanent disability rider to enhance the coverage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Big Dream Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 0 years 55 years
      Maturity age 18 years 75 years
      Policy term 5 years 20 years
      Premium Paying Term for a Regular Premium Plan Same as the policy term
      Premium Paying Term for a Limited Premium Plan 5 to 19 years
      Premium Paying Term for a Single Premium Plan One time Payment
      Sum Assured for a Regular/Limited Premium Plan 10 X Annualised premium
      Sum Assured for a Single Premium Plan 1.25 X Single Premium
      Premium payment frequency Single/Yearly/half-yearly/Quarterly/monthly
    2. Future Generali Easy Invest Online Plan
      Future Generali Easy Invest Online plan is a unit-linked endowment plan that provides financial protection to the family along with systematic investment to grow wealth for the future.  

      Features of Future Generali Easy Invest Online Plan  
      • Enhances your returns with loyalty additions during the last five years of the policy term
      • Higher of the fund value or sum assured is paid as a death benefit in case of demise during the policy period
      • The fund value is payable on policy maturity
      • Flexible features like switching and partial withdrawal to meet liquidity requirement
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Easy Invest Online Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 0 years 60 years
      Maturity age 18 years 70 years
      Policy term 10 years 20 years
      Premium paying term Same as the policy term
      Premium INR 40,000 for yearly mode and INR 4,000 for monthly mode No limit
      Sum assured 10 X Annualised premium
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/monthly
    3. Future Generali Dhan Vridhi
      Future Generali Dhan Vridhi is an individual non-participating and unit-linked life insurance plan that offers the benefit of life protection and market investment to meet medium and long-term financial goals.  

      Features of Future Generali Dhan Vridhi  
      • The flexibility of fund switches to maximise returns and partial withdrawal to meet emergency liquidity requirements
      • Seven different fund options to choose from depending on need and risk-taking ability
      • Blend of investment and insurance
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Dhan Vridhi  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 8 years 60 years
      Maturity age 18 years 70 years
      Policy term 10 years 20 years
      Premium paying term 5 years 17 years
      Premium Yearly: INR 20,000 Half-Yearly: INR 10,000 Quarterly: INR 5,000 Monthly: INR 2,000 No limit
      Sum assured For Age < 45 years: 10 X Annualised premium For Age>= 45 years: 7 X Annualised premium
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/monthly
    4. Future Generali Wealth Protect Plan
      Future Generali Wealth Protect is an individual non-participating unit-linked insurance plan that offers protection throughout policy term along with providing market-derived returns on investment paid out on maturity.

      Features of Future Generali Wealth Protect Plan
      • Maturity benefit includes fund value + guaranteed loyalty addition
      • Higher of sum assured or fund value as a death benefit in case of the unfortunate demise of insured
      • Flexibility to invest with a choice of seven investment fund options
      • Flexible features like switching, premium redirection and partial withdrawal
      • Two types of additional optional riders to enhance the coverage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Wealth Protect Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 60 years
      Maturity age 22 years 75 years
      Policy term 15 years 40 years
      Premium paying term 15 years 40 years
      Sum assured For Age < 45 years: 10 X annualised premium For Age >= 45 years: 7 X annualised premium Depends on age and premium
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/monthly
    5. Future Generali Bima Advantage Plus Plan
      Future Generali Bima Advantage Plus is an individual, non-participating and unit-linked insurance plan that offers the dual benefit of wealth maximisation through market-linked investments and life protection along with many amazing features.  

      Features of Future Generali Bima Advantage Plus Plan  
      • Fund value as maturity benefit and higher of fund value or sum assured as a death benefit
      • Opportunity to maximise the return on investment with choice of seven different investment funds
      • Flexible features like switching, premium redirection and partial withdrawal
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Bima Advantage Plus Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 65 years
      Maturity age 18 years 75 years
      Policy term 10 years 30 years
      Premium paying term Same as the policy term
      Sum assured For Age < 45 years: 10 X annualised premium For Age >= 45 years: 7 X annualised premium Depends on age and premium
      Premium (annual) INR 20,000 No limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/monthly
    6. Future Generali Bima Gain Plan
      Future Generali Bima Gain plan is a combination plan that provides the benefit of life protection and wealth creation to achieve long-term life goals.  

      Features of Future Generali Bima Gain Plan  
      • Single payment to reap the benefit of the plan throughout the term
      • Six different fund option to choose from depending on your risk-taking ability
      • Flexible features like switching and partial withdrawals
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Bima Gain Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 65 years
      Maturity age 18 years 75 years
      Policy term 10 years
      Premium paying term One-time payment
      Premium INR 50,000 INR 20 lakhs
      Sum assured   1.25 X Single premium For Age 8 to 47 years: 10 X Single premium For Age 48 to 65 years: 1.25 X Single premium
      Premium payment frequency Single
    7. Future Generali Pramukh Nivesh ULIP
      Future Generali Pramukh Nivesh ULIP is a single premium plan that offers the best of both investment and insurance world by giving both benefits. The plan comes with many flexible and amazing features.  

      Features of Future Generali Pramukh Nivesh ULIP  
      • Opportunity to maximise the investment with six different investment funds to choose from
      • The benefit of partial withdrawal to meet short-term needs
      • The option of switching to encash market opportunity to grow money
      • Higher of fund value or sum assured as a death benefit
      • The fund value is paid on the date of maturity
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Pramukh Nivesh ULIP  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 70 years
      Maturity age 18 years 75 years
      Policy term 5 years 20 years
      Premium paying term One-time payment
      Premium INR 50,000 INR 20 lakhs
      Sum assured 1.25 X Single premium For Age 7 to 49 years: 5 X Single premium For Age 50 to 54 years: 3 X Single premium For 55 to 70 years: 1.25 X Single premium
      Premium payment frequency Single
  3. Future Generali Health Plans
    Considering the important necessity of health insurance plans in India, Future Generali Life Insurance Company offers certain specific plans tailor-made for the unique needs of people. Following are the health insurance plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company-
    1. Future Generali Cancer Protect Plan
      Future Generali Cancer Protect is an individual, non-participating and non-linked health insurance plan that is specially crafted for providing needed protection against cancer.  

      Features of Future Generali Cancer Protect Plan  
      • Flexibility to choose the coverage – lump sum cover or lump sum cover with income benefit
      • If cancer is diagnosed in the minor stage, 25% of the cover amount is paid along with waiving off the future premium payments and 75% remaining is paid (as per the option is chosen) after diagnosis of major stage
      • Lump-sum amount or combination of lump sum and income benefit will be paid if the cancer is diagnosed at a major stage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Cancer Protect Plan
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age for Adults 18 years 65 years
      Entry Age for Children 1 year 17 years
      Maturity age  NA 80 years
      Policy Tenure, Regular Plan for an Adult 10,15,20 years or 80 years minus age at entry
      Policy Tenure, Regular Plan for a Child 18 minus age at entry or 10 years
      Policy Tenure for a Single Premium plan 5 years
      Premium paying term Same as the policy term
      Sum Assured for an Adult INR 10 lakhs, INR 20 lakhs, INR 30 lakhs and INR 40 lakhs
      Sum Assured for a Child INR 10 lakhs
      Premium payment frequency Single/Yearly/Monthly
    2. Future Generali Heart and Health Insurance Plan
      The plan is a comprehensive protection plan offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company that safeguards you and your family against any defined unforeseen medical emergency.  

      Features of Future Generali Heart and Health Insurance Plan  
      • Comprehensive critical illness cover against 59 critical illnesses and surgical procedures including cancer and heart-related ailments
      • Coverage from early stages to major stage
      • The inbuilt death benefit cover
      • Flexibility to choose the protection plan – heart cover/critical illness cover/heart cover with the return of premium/critical illness cover with the return of premium
      • Fixed benefit payout and inbuilt waiver of premium benefit
      • An online discount of 5%
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Heart and Health Insurance Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 65 years
      Maturity age  NA 75 years
      Policy term 10,15,20,25,30 years or 75 years minus age at entry
      Premium paying term Same as the policy term
      Sum assured INR 5 lakhs INR 50 lakhs
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
  4. Future Generali Savings Plan
    Future Generali Life Insurance Company offers a variety of savings plans that offer the benefit of corpus building, fixed income and life protection. The plans help in achieving many long-term financial goals. Following are the savings plan offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company –
    1. Future Generali Assure Plus
      Future Generali Assure Plus is a traditional, non-linked and participating endowment plan. The plan offers death benefit in case of demise during the term. In case the insured survives the policy period, maturity benefit including the accrued bonus will be paid.  

      Features of Future Generali Assure Plus  
      • Flexibility to choose from multiple term options
      • Compounded reversionary bonuses throughout the policy term
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Assure Plus  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 3 years 55 years
      Maturity age 18 years 70 years
      Policy term 15/20/25 years
      Premium paying term 7/10/12/15/17 years
      Sum assured INR 1 lakh INR 5 Cr
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
    2. Future Generali Triple Anand Advantage
      Future Generali Triple Anand Advantage is an individual, non-linked, participating savings insurance plan. The policy comes with a unique benefit of fixed money back + lump sum payout + life cover till 80 years of age.  

      Features of Future Generali Triple Anand Advantage  
      • Policy offers extended life cover till 80 years of age
      • Survival benefit starting at the end of premium payment term, you will receive 5 annual payouts equal to 10% of sum assured
      • Remaining 50% of sum assured + accrued bonus + terminal bonuses, if any are paid on maturity
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Triple Anand Advantage  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 50 years
      Maturity age 27 years 75 years
      Policy term Premium payment term + 5 years
      Premium paying term 15 years 20 years
      Sum assured INR 2,00,000 no limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Monthly
    3. Future Generali New Saral Anand
      Future Generali New Saral Anand plan is a traditional, non-linked and participating whole life endowment plan that offers the benefit of savings and life protection.  

      Features of Future Generali New Saral Anand  
      • Extended life cover benefit to years of age.
      • The sum assured + accrued bonuses are paid as a death benefit
      • Lump-sum benefit on maturity including accrued bonuses + terminal bonuses, if any
      • Additional riders to enhance the cover – accidental death benefit rider, accidental total & permanent disability rider
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali New Saral Anand  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 3 years 50 years
      Maturity age 18 years 70 years
      Policy term 15 years 20 years
      Premium paying term same as the policy term
      Sum assured INR 1,00,000 no limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly
    4. Future Generali New Assure Plus
      Future Generali New Assure Plus is an individual, non-linked and participating insurance plan that offers the benefit of saving for future goals and protection against uncertainties.

      Features of Future Generali New Assure Plus  
      • Flexibility to choose policy term and premium payment term
      • Maturity benefit will be in lump sum including accrued bonuses and terminal bonuses if any
      • Option to choose between two death benefit options
      • Additional rider to enhance the cover – accidental benefit rider
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali New Assure Plus  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 3 years 55 years
      Maturity age 18 years 70 years
      Policy term 10 years 30 years
      Premium paying term 5 years 30 years
      Sum assured INR 1,00,000 no limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
    5. Future Generali Assured Wealth Plan
      Future Generali Assured Wealth plan is a non-linked non-participating life insurance plan that comes with the benefit of insurance and savings.  

      Features of Future Generali Assured Wealth Plan  
      • Flexibility to choose from two product options
      • Guaranteed additions throughout the policy term and increasing death benefit
      • Choose your policy term and premium payment term
      • The lower premium rate for women
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Assured Wealth Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age for option 1 0 years 60 years
      Entry age for option 2 18 years 55 years
      Maturity age for option 1 18 years 75 years
      Maturity age for option 2 28 years 70 years
      Policy term 10 years 25 years
      Premium paying term 5 years 15 years
      Sum assured INR 50,000 no limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
    6. Future Generali Big Income Multiplier
      Future Generali Big Income Multiplier is an individual, non-participating, non-linked savings plan that offers guaranteed income benefit along with life protection.  

      Features of Future Generali Big Income Multiplier  
      • Double the total premium paid as maturity benefit
      • Premium payment is limited for 12 years
      • Guaranteed income for 12 years after the end of the policy term
      • Flexibility in choosing life insurance plan option – annual income option, monthly income option
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Big Income Multiplier  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 4 years 50 years
      Maturity age 18 years 64 years
      Policy term 14 years
      Premium paying term 12 years
      Premium Yearly: INR 18,000 Monthly: INR 1,500 no limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Monthly
    7. Future Generali Pearls Guarantee
      Future Generali Pearls Guarantee plan is guaranteed cashback plan that offers the benefit of savings with guaranteed returns and life protection.  

      Features of Future Generali Pearls Guarantee  
      • Lump-sum death benefit during the policy term
      • The policy offers a high sum assured discount
      • Guaranteed payback starting once the premium payment period is over
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Pearls Guarantee  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 55 years
      Maturity age 23 years 73 years
      Policy term 16 years 18 years
      Premium paying term 10 years 12 years
      Premium INR 10,000 no limit
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
    8. Future Generali Assured Income Plan
      Future Generali Assured Income Plan is an individual, non-linked, and non-participating savings plan that offer guaranteed payouts and protection during the policy term.  

      Features of Future Generali Assured Income Plan  
      • Guaranteed payout after the premium payment term for the same period as that of the policy term
      • The lump-sum death benefit in case of demise during the policy term
      • Additional income ranging from 1-4.5 times of annualised premium
      • The policy offers loan facility
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Assured Income Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 11-year policy term 15-year policy term 7 years 5 years 50 years 50 years
      Maturity age 18 years 65 years
      Policy term 11 years 15 years
      Premium paying term 11 years 15 years
      Sum assured Depends on age and term chosen
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Monthly
    9. Future Generali Saral Bima
      Future Generali Saral Bima is a guaranteed payback plan that offers life insurance cover along with a guaranteed return on your savings.  

      Features of Future Generali Saral Bima  
      • The death benefit in case of an unfortunate event and guaranteed maturity benefit in case of survival
      • Rebate on availing high sum assured
      • Multiple riders to enhance the coverage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Saral Bima  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 7 years 55 years
      Maturity age 18 years 70 years
      Policy term 10 years 20 years
      Premium paying term 10 years 20 years
      Premium INR 9,000 p.a. No limit
      Sum assured Up to INR 5 Cr
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
    10. Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan
      Assured Money Back Plan offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company is an individual, non-linked and non-participating savings plan that offers guaranteed payouts along with life cover.  

      Features of Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan  
      • Two plan options to choose payouts depending on the need
      • Benefits can be enjoyed for the entire policy term with a limited period of payment
      • Accidental benefit rider to enhance the coverage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Assured Money Back Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 55 years
      Policy Tenure for Option A 15,17,20 and 22 years
      Policy Tenure for Option B 10,12,15 and 17 years
      Premium paying term for Option A 5,7,10 and 12 years
      Premium paying term for Option B 5,7,10 and 12 years
      Premium INR 18,000 p.a. No limit
      Sum assured Depends on age and policy term chosen
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Half-yearly/Quarterly/Monthly
  5. Future Generali Child Plans
    Child plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company is specially crafted to provide financial security to a child’s future in every situation and uncertainties of life.
    1. Future Generali Assured Education Plan
      Future Generali Assured Education plan is an individual, non-linked, non-participating savings plan that helps you save systematically for your child’s future.  

      Features of Future Generali Assured Education Plan  
      • Systematic savings option for a child’s higher education
      • Multiple options to receive guaranteed payouts depending on your children’s education milestones
      • Protection to family and children even when you are not around
      • Multiple rider options to enhance the coverage
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Assured Education Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 21 years for parents and 0 years for children 50 years for parents and 10 years for children
      Maturity age 35 years 67 years
      Policy term 17 years- child’s age at entry
      Premium paying term same as the policy term
      Premium Yearly: INR 20,000 Monthly: INR 2,000 No limit
      Sum assured Depends on age and policy term chosen
      Premium payment frequency Yearly/Monthly
  6. Future Generali Retirement Plans
    Retirement plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance offers financial stability and protection during old age and post-retirement to help maintain the same lifestyle along with security against uncertainties.
    1. Future Generali Immediate Annuity Plan
      Future Generali Immediate Annuity plan is a pension plan that offers financial cushion during post-retirement life with a regular flow of income.  

      Features of Future Generali Immediate Annuity Plan  
      • Fixed income throughout post-retirement life
      • Flexibility to choose the payout mode
      • Annuity card offered by the policy offers convenience in receiving the payouts
      • Flexibility to choose between life annuity and life annuity with return of purchase price
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Immediate Annuity Plan
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 40 years 80 years
      policy term Till the annuitant is alive
      Purchase price INR 30,000 No limit
      Annuity mode Yearly/Monthly
    2. Future Generali Pension Guarantee Plan
      Future Generali Pension Guarantee plan is a guaranteed pension plan that creates a corpus for your retirement life along with providing life protection.  
      Features of Future Generali Pension Guarantee Plan  
      • Flexible to choose the premium payment option – regular/limited /single pay
      • Sum assured plus compounded reversionary bonuses as maturity benefit
      • Total premiums paid plus compounded reversionary bonuses as a death benefit
      • Entire proceeds can be utilised to purchase a single premium deferred pension plan or commute the maturity proceeds fully or partly.
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Pension Guarantee Plan
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 20 years 70 years
      Vesting age 40 years 80 years
      Policy Term for a Regular Premium Plan 10 years 20 years
      Policy Term for a Limited Premium Plan 11 years 20 years
      Policy Term for a Single Premium Plan 10 years 20 years
      Premium Payment Term for a Regular Premium Plan Same as the policy term
      Premium Payment Term for a Limited Premium Plan 10 years to 15 years
      Premium Payment Term for a Single Premium Plan Single
      Premium for Regular/Limited pay Plan INR 11,000 No Limit
      Premium for a Single pay Plan INR 90,000 No Limit
      Purchase price INR 30,000 No limit
      Annuity mode Yearly/Monthly
  7. Future Generali Rural Plans
    Rural insurance plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company are special plans crafted for rural India to provide the insurance coverage at low premiums which will help them meet their requirements. Following are the rural plans offered by the company –
    1. Future Generali Jan Suraksha Plus Plan
      It is a simple plan that is specially designed for rural people to have financial protection minimum rate of premium.  

      Features of Future Generali Jan Suraksha Plus Plan  
      • The simple and hassle-free application process
      • One time premium to get life protection and assured maturity benefit in case of survival
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Jan Suraksha Plus Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 50 years
      Policy term 8 years
      Premium payment term One-time payment
      Premium options INR 2,500, INR 3,000, INR 4,000 and INR 5,000
      Sum assured 5 times the single premium
    2. Future Generali Jan Suraksha Plan
      Future Generali Jan Suraksha plan offers life protection to the rural population of India at a lower rate of premium. It is a single premium plan.  

      Features of Future Generali Jan Suraksha Plan
      • Safeguards the family against loans and liabilities in the event of uncertainties
      • Hassle-free application process
        Eligibility Criteria for Future Generali Jan Suraksha Plan  
      Criteria  Minimum Maximum
      Entry age 18 years 50 years
      Policy term 8 years
      Premium payment term One-time payment
      Premium options For 18-45 years: INR 500/INR 750 For 46-50 years: INR 750
      Sum assured Depends on age
  8. Future Generali Group Plans
    Group plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company provides financial protection to group members or employees. These plans are specifically meant for groups, institutions and corporates to manage facilities offered to members such as gratuity, leave encashment, loans, life insurance and superannuation. Following are the group plans offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company –
    • Future Generali Sampoorn Loan Suraksha
    • Future Generali Group Superannuation Plan
    • Future Generali Group Leave Encashment Plan
    • Future Generali Group Gratuity Plan
    • Future Generali Group Term Life Insurance Plan
    • Future Generali Loan Suraksha

How to Buy Future Generali Life Insurance Plans?

Future Generali Life Insurance plans can be purchased through both online and offline mode. You can visit the branch offices or contact insurance advisors for purchasing Future Generali Life Insurance plans offline. However, buying online through the company website of Future Generali Life Insurance Company would be more convenient. The easiest way to buy Future Generali Life Insurance plans online would be buying them through Turtlemint as plans can be compared with similar other plans available in the market. Following are the simple steps to follow for buying online through Turtlemint –

  • Visit www.turtlemint.com
  • Click on the ‘life insurance’ category
  • Choose the subcategory of your choice and the list of various plans available under the category that is displayed
  • Provide your profile details such as gender, marital status, date of birth, name, income details, contact details and the coverage requirements etc.
  • Once you complete your profile, all the suitable plans available in the market are displayed
  • Compare and choose the best-suited plan
  • After choosing the plan, fill in the online application and proceed for premium payment
  • Once the payment is done, you would be able to buy the plan easily

Documents Required for Buying Future Generali Life Insurance Plans

Following are the documents required for buying Future Generali Life Insurance plans –

  • Identity Proof – PAN Card/ Voter’s ID /Aadhaar Card/Passport / Driving license
  • Income Proof – latest 3 years Income Tax Return/ Latest Form 16/Salary slip
  • Address Proof – Passport /Driving License/Voter’s ID / Aadhaar Card/ Bank Statement / Ration card/Telephone bill
  • Age proof – SSLC marks sheet/Birth certificate/Passport
  • Passport size photographs
  • Medical reports, if necessary

Claim Process for Future Generali Life Insurance Plans

The claim process for Future Generali Life Insurance plans is quite simple and hassle-free. Following is the process to follow –

  • Make an immediate claim intimation. Fill in the claim form and submit it at the nearest branch office with all the relevant documents enclosed
  • Claim assessment will be done by claim specialist. If there are any additional documents or information required, the company will intimate the claimant through SMS or letter
  • Once documents are verified, the company will make a final decision within 10 days. Communication will be sent to the claimant
  • Claim proceeds will be directly transferred to the claimant’s account.

  Turtlemint can help you with claim settlements, you can contact Turtlemint by calling on 1800-266-0101 or by writing to them on claims@turtlemint.com. Their executive will get in touch with you.

Documents Required for Future Generali Life Insurance Claims

Following are the documents required for Future Generali Life Insurance claims:

  • Duly signed and filled claim form
  • Death certificate
  • The medical cause of death certificate
  • Original policy document
  • Life assured’s photo ID and age proof
  • Claimant’s photo ID and age proof
  • Relationship proof of the claimant
  • Claimant’s PAN Card
  • Discharge or death summary

  Following are the additional documents required in case of accidental/suicide/murder cases  

  • Post mortem report
  • First information report by Police
  • A final Investigation report by police
  • Chemical Viscera report
  • Panchnama
  • Newspaper cutting, if any
  • Driving license

  The requirement of documents may slightly vary depending on the type of claim.  

Riders Offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company

Following are the riders offered by Future Generali Life Insurance Company to provide an option to enhance the coverage offered under any of their plans –

  1. Accidental Death Rider – The rider provides additional coverage for death caused due to an accident
  2. Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Rider – The rider provides additional coverage for disabilities caused due to an accident. Percentage of compensation may depend on the severity of an injury.

Exclusions in Future Generali Life Insurance Plans

Suicide exclusions: If the life assured commits suicide within 12 months from the date of inception of the policy or revival of the policy, the insurance company will pay 80% of the premiums paid till the date of death (excluding applicable taxes) to the nominee. For any queries, Future Generali Life Insurance Company can be contacted easily.

Company Address and Contact Information of Future Generali Life Insurance Company

  Address: Future Generali India Life Insurance Co.Ltd, Indiabulls Finance Centre, 6th Floor, Tower 3, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone, West Mumbai, Maharashtra – 400013   Toll-free number: 1800-102-2355   Email: care@futuregenerali.in

Frequently Asked Questions

The premium for Future Generali Life Insurance plans can be paid online or offline. Paying premium online is the most convenient option. Following are the modes to pay premium online –

  • Net banking
  • Credit card
  • Debit card

You can also pay the premium through below modes offline

  • Dropbox
  • Cash
  • Cheque or demand draft
  • ECS (electronic clearing system)

Future Generali Life Insurance plans can be renewed online without any hassles. All you need to do is to visit the company’s portal with the given user credential and access the policy details. Click on the ‘renew’ option and make the outstanding premium payment. After the payment is done, the policy would be renewed.

Premium redirection refers to investing the fresh premium into another fund option from which is already invested in.

Life Insurance Companies